The Magical At-Home Fairy Kindness Quest!
Watch your little one embrace the power of kindness to themselves, others & our planet through a mindful Fairyland adventure!
Join the transformative fairy-guided home experience guaranteed to enchant your 4-8 year old’s imagination, cultivate kindness, and make your life easier!
Join now for a one-time payment of just $197!
“Teaching kids to be kind is one of the best ways to set them up for success later”
Ever-Growing Kindness Curriculum

⭐️ 40+ on-demand goal-oriented video lessons, led by the fairies
⭐️ Acts of kindness to encourage connection & community
⭐️ Magical meditations, yoga & breathing to harness inner-calm
⭐️ Fairy-themed nature projects to develop a love & respect for nature
⭐️ Dozens of simple hands-on activities, crafts & dancing for healthy self-expression
⭐️ Nightly bedtime affirmation audios to wire gratitude & peace into their sleep
⭐️ A growing library of bonuses lessons so the fun never ends
⭐️ Access to the private Facebook group with regular visits from the Fairy Queen
⭐️ One-time payment (no subscription!)
Only $197

Encouraging Kindness To

Encouraging compassion through empathy-focussed exercises & simple acts of kindness.

Building confidence through mindfulness, healthy physical movement, and creative arts & crafts.

Fostering respect for the planet through magical nature projects & eco-learning with the fairies.
Encouraging Kindness To

Encouraging compassion through empathy-focussed exercises & simple acts of kindness.

Building confidence through a routine of mindfulness made fun, healthy physical movement and creative crafts.

Fostering respect for the planet through magical nature projects & eco-learning with the fairies.
"Early childhood is an opportune time to equip children with qualities of compassion & kindness since their brains are rapidly developing"
Center For Healthy Minds Research
This Experience Is For Your Child If...
⭐️ You value kindness and are looking for fun, engaging ways to develop these qualities in your child (age 4-8).
⭐️ You have a busy schedule and want simple, safe & EASY ways to keep the kids engaged.
⭐️ You want to take your child’s passion for fairies and turn it into empowered learning!
⭐️ You want to maximize fun & positivity for your child while minimizing stress for YOU.
Kindness Boosts Kids




Future Success
What You’ll Get In This At-Home Fairy Kindness Quest

Instant Access To The Full Fairy Experience
Fostering kindness to others, nature & self, including good deeds, mindfulness exercises, nature projects and affirmation audios, activities, crafts & dancing. Complete weekly or at any pace that suits you.

Five Fairy-Themed Modules
Each module is guided by the Fairy Queen and her friends, with individual themes such as Fairies, Unicorns, Mermaids, Gnomes and a Fairy Graduation Celebration.

Goal-Oriented Learning
Through completing each lesson your child gradually fills their Fairy Meter to achieve their magical fairy transformation & certificate.

Play Book
Plus You’ll Get All These Bonuses

Fairy Foodies Crash Course

Fairy Activities Library
The fun will never end with a growing library of fairy-themed activities!

Secret Fairy Fundamentals Lesson
A special secret lesson to learn all about the fairies, including exclusive fairy-themed self-expression activities & crafts.

Fairy Fun Activity Play Sheets

Fairy Parents Community
And Your Special Limited Time BONUS

LIFETIME ACCESS To The Enchanted Explorers At-Home Fairy Kindness Quest
That’s right! NO monthly subscriptions!
For a limited time only $29
Follow The M.A.G.I.C. Method
Enchanted Explorers ignites your little one’s compassion through our multi-sensory M.A.G.I.C. Method. Learn more.

Mindfulness Mastery
Calm their big emotions through fairy meditation, yoga + more!

Acts Of Kindness

Green Time


Cultivate Confidence
“Kindness helps children’s mental health, their resilience, as well as their peak performance”
Our Founders Have Created With

Money-Back Guarantee
If your little one isn’t absolutely DELIGHTED by their Enchanted Explorers experience, email us within 7 days for a full refund, no questions asked!
Frequency Asked Questions
This experience is self-paced so the fairy magic sessions can be completed when it suits you. The sessions are divided into five M.A.G.I.C. modules, each including a mindfulness exercise and nature project, taking less than an hour. Each module also contains between 30-40 minutes of interactive video content, requiring basic set-ups for crafts, activities and print-outs. The Fairy Queen will take it from there. Each good deed (1 per module) will take 5-10 minutes, and the bedtime audios can be integrated into sleep time. Keep in mind you will have access to this content for a lifetime and the program will continually grow!
This experience is especially made for girls and boys aged between 4 and 8 years old, but ALL children are fairy-welcome.
Abso-fairy-lutely!!! In fact, Enchanted Explorers makes the perfect gift to buy children of friends, grandkids or just about anybody! Best of all, the gift package includes:
⭐️ A personalized birthday video message to your child from the Fairy Queen, sent to you on the 1st of your child’s next birthday month.
⭐️ An exclusive magical unicorn class, PLUS an ebook to follow along.
⭐️ 33 x Episodes of A Wonderful World an animal-themed art & dance series with the fairies best friends.
Click here to buy your fairy gift.
Youtube is a fantastic resource with loads of great free children’s entertainment, but can be a disorganized rabbit hole of scrolling (and ads!). Enchanted Explorers is a structured, fairy-themed experience that harnesses the power of our unique M.A.G.I.C. Method, and incentivizes children to complete nature experiences, mindfulness exercises & fun learning activities in order to fill their ‘fairy meter’, gradually transforming into a fairy.
The fairy and nature-themed arts, crafts and games throughout the program are made using flowers, leaves and basic school supplies you probably already have sitting around the house. The program is designed to not only give your child a transformational experience, but to make YOUR life easier. View the full list.
We aren’t all lucky enough to live surrounded by wilderness. The good news is that our nature exercises are designed to be completed in your own environment, whether a city park, nearby forest or even a neighbor’s garden. What’s important is the effort to spend time exploring outside in some way. It goes a loooonng way to connecting with the fairies after all!
You will have access for…drumroll pleeaase…a lifetime!! As long as the experience is being sold, it’s yours to revisit whenever you like, across any device you own. After enrolling, you have immediate access to Enchanted Explorers, including all updates and future content we add.
FREE Kindness Delivered Weekly!
Kindness quotes + inspirational stories
Gift Kindness ➜
Includes exclusive bonuses + personalized video message from the Fairy Queen! 🎁
Join The Quest ➜
Start your fairy kindness adventure today!